Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Pride and Joy

He may not listen sometimes, but John is a great boy. He's got a big heart, always thinking of other people first before his self.

School year of 2011 and once again, never missed any day at school. For 5 yrs, since kindergarten, he missed 1 day, and that was the time he got really sick, and couldn't get up but still asking if he could go to school. That was when he was on 2nd grade.

Time flies so fast that I couldn't believe myself that he is going to be on 5th grade the coming school year.

For his perfect attendance at regular school, he got a 10$ Walmart card (wow....) and for the summer school (lasted for a month after regular school) he got 100$ Visa card. Few weeks ago, we went to Walmart to buy groceries, he brought his cards with him saying he wanted to buy bey blade. And so went and got our groceries with his bey blade toy, when it was our turn in the cashier, i kid him. This is how our conversation went...

Me: John, we don't have money for the grocery

John: (looking at the price of his toy) he mommy, you can use the $100 for the grocery and i'll pay for the toy with my walmart card.

Me: (looking on how much the grocery was) i said...john, it cost about &125.00.
without any second thoughts, he pulled his bill fold, grab and gave me his 10$ walmart card and said

John: this is all i got mommy, can you pay for the rest?

I grab the checkbook and paid our groceries. Gave back his cards and just smiled at him.

Whenever I think of that day, it always make me smile and be proud of him. I know that no matter what, I can always count on him.

He is my son, my friend, and my constant reminder that there is always hope. He sees what I feel and always ask, what is wrong or why I am sad, if i don't answer, he'd just put his hand on my shoulder as if he is telling me, it's going to be okay and that he is there if I want to talk.

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