Friday, March 25, 2011

Why go to Church

You might as well ask me why I got to the table and eat as to ask my why I go to church. I go to feed my soul. There is a void in my soul that none but God can fill; and since the emptiness of the human heart was made for fullness of God I know of no better place to go to partake of his fullness than to church.

I go to church to worship God. If I can worship God just as well elsewhere as at church, then I can't understand why Christ attended church and said, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together." I feel that the spiritual atmospheres created by the singing, the music, the reading of the Bible, the prayers, and the sermon is conductive to a more acceptable worship than an atmosphere void of these things. 

I go to church out of appreciation of what she has done for me and is doing for others. When we are sick, what institution prays for us? The church. When we are in sorrow, what institution comes out to our aid? The church. When the crape hangs on the door, what institution showers its love and comfort about us? The church. When sin was hovering over our souls and we were groping in darkness seeking light, what institution stood ready to point us unto Jesus Christ, the light of the world? The church. I appreciate an institution like that, I want to give of my time, money and service to her cause. 

I go to church to support her because she has the only message that can save the world. Wherever you find the Gospel of Christ unknown you will find a land of heathens. The message of the church is responsible for our civilization. Regardless of whether or not you are a Christian in our land, you owe your civilization to the Church; for without the church in our land, you would have been born the son of heathen parents, and therefore would have been a heathen yourself. When I stop to think that I would be living today as a heathen in an uncivilized land if it had not been for the church, then I can't bring myself to the place where I ca be so grateful as to ignore the church and keep my best from her. How any thinking man can be indifferent to the church is beyond my apprehension.

There are many reasons why I go to church, I will say in conclusion that the main reason I go to church s because I love Jesus Christ. Christ loved the church. He gave himself for the church. Then out of love for him, I love his bride- the church. I like her jewels-the members of the church. I like her message-"Ye must be born again."

by: REV. Vaughn Fults, Murfreesboro, Tenn.

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